Quantitative Electro Encephalogram QEEG

Brain Map

A comprehensive assessment is the foundational step in neurofeedback therapy. This assessment enables providers to evaluate whether a client’s brainwave patterns deviate from normal. Using the results from your brain map, we develop a tailored restorative plan of care.

Each assessment guides us in selecting appropriate neurofeedback training protocols, which are designed to realign brainwave patterns towards a more balanced state. By rebalancing these brainwaves, we aim to restore health, promote healing, and enhance functionality for lasting results.

BrainSpan Cell Health Assessment

All diseases are disturbances at the cellular level. To treat disease, we must understand its cause. To understand the cause of a disease, we must understand the alterations that occur at the level of individual cells. – Yale School of Medicine

BrainSpan: Advanced Fatty Acid Testing for Optimal Health

BrainSpan offers a highly accurate finger-stick dried blood spot fatty acid test that correlates 98% with whole blood lab testing. Supported by over 100 studies validating the method and results, BrainSpan's proprietary cards ensure fatty acids remain stable for up to 30 days without the need for fasting, unlike many other tests.

BrainSpan is unique in pairing this fatty acid test with a functional brain health assessment, a combination validated by the US military in combat settings. Research shows that individuals with well-balanced fatty acids experience a 67% slower aging rate, as measured by telomere attrition. Additionally, those in the upper quartile for fatty acids have a 34% improvement in executive function, whereas those in the lower quartile show below-average cognitive performance for their age.

Imbalances in fatty acids can contribute significantly to:

  • Chronic Diseases: Cognitive decline, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and decreased joint mobility
  • Chronic Pain: Persistent pain and discomfort
  • Symptoms: Fatigue, bloating, and excessive weight gain
  • Performance Issues: Reduced aerobic athletic performance and cognitive acuity
  • Mood Disorders: Depression and anxiety
  • Learning Disorders: Impaired learning abilities in children
  • Premature Aging: Changes in skin, hair, and nails

The fatty acid blood spot test from BrainSpan provides valuable insights that can guide patients on the need for fatty acid supplementation, dietary changes, and additional support for conditions related to fatty acid imbalances. This includes supplements targeting inflammation, metabolic efficiency, gastrointestinal health, and cognitive function. BrainSpan's test is also beneficial for healthy pregnancy, optimal childhood development, peak performance, general wellness, and anti-aging.

Initial QEEG /Cognitive Test/ Brain Span Blood Test

Dr. Janell Matz


O'Keefe Matz Chiropractic & Functional Health Clinic

1053 Ashland Ave,
Saint Paul, MN



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