Check Out Our Trailer for Functional Medicine: Getting to the Underlying Cause of Disease Video Series

Our bodies are not merely a collection of independent parts; they are interconnected systems that work together in harmony. Yet, when it comes to chronic diseases—such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, gastrointestinal conditions, thyroid disorders, and dementia—traditional healthcare often focuses on temporary treatments rather than addressing, preventing, and treating the underlying causes. In fact, these chronic conditions account for 78% of our total healthcare efforts, despite the fact that many are preventable. In this health talk, Dr. Shannon O’Keefe offers a roadmap to lasting health by helping you understand the root causes of chronic illness and what can be done to prevent them. Contrary to common belief, chronic diseases are not solely dictated by genetics; rather, they result from a misalignment between our genes, environment, and lifestyle. With the implementation of a personalized health program, many chronic diseases can be rendered obsolete. This presentation, originally delivered to the MN Holistic Nurses Association, is invaluable for anyone interested in a comprehensive approach to health. Attendees will gain insight into the benefits and rewards of adopting a functional medicine approach, empowering them to take control of their well-being and achieve long-term health.

Functional Medicine, Part 1

Functional Medicine, Part 2

Functional Medicine, Part 3

Functional medicine/Internal Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and requires participation from both the patient and practitioner. Shifting away from the traditional “sick-care model” to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. As Functional Medicine practitioners, we spend time listening to our patients, asking many questions, and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease.

Dr. Janell Matz


Dr. Shannon A. O'Keefe


Dr. O'Keefe Speaking on AutoImmune Conditions

Empower your Journey with Natural Medicine

Check Out Our Trailer for our Osteoporosis Video Series

Osteoporosis - Part 1

Osteoporosis - Part 2

Osteoporosis - Part 3

Functional Medicine & Internal Medicine Diagnosis

Get to the Underlying Cause of your Condition. Health Is Everything!

Functional Medicine & Internal Medicine Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Approach to Health

At O’Keefe Matz Chiropractic, we understand that your health is everything. Our approach is based on the principles of functional medicine, which focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of health conditions. In a world where chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, and autoimmune disorders are on the rise, it is more important than ever to take a proactive and comprehensive approach to health.

Why Do We Need Functional Medicine?

Our current healthcare system is primarily oriented towards acute care—addressing immediate, short-term health issues like trauma or sudden illness with prescribed treatments such as drugs or surgery. While effective for emergencies, this model often falls short when it comes to preventing and treating complex, chronic diseases. It doesn’t take into account the unique genetic makeup of each individual or the environmental and lifestyle factors that play a critical role in long-term health.

Moreover, there is a significant gap between emerging research and its application in medical practice—often as long as 50 years. This is particularly concerning when dealing with complex, chronic illnesses where personalized care is essential. Unfortunately, many physicians are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of these diseases or to implement strategies like nutrition, diet, and exercise in their prevention and treatment.

The Functional Medicine Difference

Functional medicine is distinct in its patient-centered, systems-oriented approach, requiring active participation from both the patient and the practitioner. By focusing on the whole person rather than just isolated symptoms, we move beyond the traditional “sick-care model” to a model that promotes health as a positive vitality.

  • Patient-Centered Care: Functional medicine emphasizes individualized care, promoting health beyond the mere absence of disease. By deeply listening to patients and understanding their unique stories, we tailor treatments to address specific needs.

  • An Integrative, Science-Based Approach: Functional medicine practitioners look "upstream" to assess the complex web of interactions in a patient’s history, physiology, and lifestyle that can lead to illness. We consider each patient’s unique genetic makeup and both internal (mind, body, and spirit) and external (physical and social environment) factors that affect overall well-being.

  • Integrating Best Practices: We combine traditional Western medical practices with “alternative” or “integrative” medicine. This includes a focus on prevention through nutrition, diet, exercise, advanced diagnostic testing, and a blend of therapeutic approaches such as botanical medicines, supplements, detoxification programs, and stress-management techniques.

Our Process: Tailored to Your Needs

Curious about how our program could benefit you? We’re here to help. Here’s how our process works:

  1. Contact Us: If you're interested in learning more, give us a call. We're happy to discuss details and answer any questions you may have.

  2. Complete New Patient Paperwork: Access our new patient forms online, or contact us for a paper copy. Once completed, return the paperwork before your first consultation.

  3. First Visit with Dr. O’Keefe: During your initial one-hour appointment, Dr. O’Keefe will review your paperwork, medical history, and primary concerns. Based on this, a general plan will be outlined, including potential lab testing. We will also provide an estimate of the time and financial commitment involved.

  4. Lab Work: Complete any necessary lab work as recommended.

  5. Follow-Up Visit: After receiving your test results, we’ll schedule your second appointment. During this visit, Dr. O’Keefe will discuss your lab results and present a detailed, personalized treatment plan. This may include supplement prescriptions and recommendations for diet and lifestyle changes. You will also receive a comprehensive report tailored to your specific needs.

  6. Implement the Plan: Follow your treatment plan for the next 2-3 months.

  7. Re-Test and Follow-Up: We will contact you to schedule follow-up testing and review your progress.

Your Nutrition Report: What Sets Us Apart

Our individualized nutrition reports are comprehensive and unique, offering:

  • Personalized Supplement Recommendations based on test findings, age, sex, and weight.
  • Dietary Guidance with Meal Recipes tailored to your specific needs.
  • Comparison of Color-Coded Test Results over time, showing progress.
  • Complete Laboratory Analysis to monitor current conditions and identify potential health risks.
  • Correlation of Test Results with symptoms, lifestyle habits, and medication effects.
  • Customized Lifestyle Recommendations based on individual test outcomes.

Laboratory Testing

We partner with leading laboratories to provide thorough testing options, including:

  • Labcorp: 58-point blood analysis
  • Diagnostech: Hormone, adrenal, and bone health testing
  • Genova Diagnostics: Comprehensive testing
  • Labrix: Vitamin D3 and neurotransmitter testing
  • ALCAT Laboratories: Comprehensive allergy testing


We carefully select supplements from trusted companies, including:

  • Standard Process
  • Perque
  • Designs for Health + Sport
  • Douglas Laboratories
  • Nutri-Dyn
  • Biotics Research
  • Biocidin Botanicals
  • NuMedica
  • Metametrix
  • Pure Encapsulation
  • Moss Nutrition

We’re committed to offering a holistic, personalized approach to your health. If you’re ready to take the next step, we invite you to contact us today. Your path to optimal health starts here.

Diagnostic Laboratory testing

Don't Guess about your Health, Get tested.


Functional Testing and Homeostatic Evaluations

Menu of tests we offer

We utilize a large variety of testing in order to get to the underlying cause of your symptoms.


Comprehensive blood work

Cardio vascular profiles

Autoimmune panels

Inflammation panels

Food sensitivity testing

Leaky Gut/Intestinal Permeability

Gluten Cross Reactivity

Secretary IgA

Stool analysis: Parasitology, microbiology and yeast


Female hormones

Adrenal Hormones


Amino Acids

Heavy Metals

Blood Brain Barrier




Methylation Profiles

Urine Porphyrins

Nutrient Evaluations


RBC glutathione

Fatty Acids

Bone Resorption Assessments


H. Pylori

Male Hormones

PSA free and total

Organic Acids

Discover Your Path to Wellness

Book your appointment today for a healthier tomorrow.

O'Keefe Matz Chiropractic & Functional Health Clinic

1053 Ashland Ave,
Saint Paul, MN


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